It seems a bit far-fetched, that a municipality so dead-set on closing its aviation jewel
—the Santa Monica Airport (KSMO)—would set aside a day to celebrate the man who put the town on the map, as far as the aerospace industry is concerned.
Yet on Sunday, September 22, Santa Monica will recognize Donald Douglas Day with a grand affair at the airport, marking the week 100 years ago when the Douglas World Cruisers returned to California following their epic round-the-world flight.
I plan to be on hand all day, working with Pilot Outfitters and the Santa Monica Flyers to promote the history of Douglas Aircraft Company, and the innovation that Douglas not only inspired but invested in and propelled forward.
Come join me! I will be signing my books, Honest Vision: The Donald Douglas Story, and Together We Fly: Voices From the DC-3, and talking with folks about the legendary DWCs and DC-3s that were built at Clover Field. Bring your copy or pick one up from Pilot Outfitters for me to sign. I look forward to meeting everyone!