JulietBravoFox Media is a consulting company specializing in editorial development, aviation marketing, and flight training. But our interests reach out in several directions, bringing together our 30-year experience in the aviation industry with our passion for traveling the world, exploring new food & wine, and enjoying the great outdoors. People don’t really fit into neat categories, and neither do we. That is our strength, leaving us flexible to make new connections and think differently about our clients’ projects.
Connect with us to explore how we can help you solve a problem, deliver a message, or strategize a new direction: [email protected]
Our portfolio ranges through our own managed sites covering the following market segments:
JulieInTheSky: Julie first took to the skies as a teenager looking for a place to make her own, and she found it in the cockpit of a two-seat airplane. Aviation formed the basis of her career, spanning from her first days as a flight instructor to work for major aerospace companies such as AOPA, Jeppesen, Cessna, Boeing, and Flying. Find her recent work for various editorial outlets, including AOPA, AIN, Robb Report, and Flying, Flight Training: Projects, Honest Vision, and Together We Fly, and follow her love affair with the Douglas DC-3 and flight on Instagram (@togetherweflydc3), Twitter (@julieinthesky), and Facebook (@togetherweflydc3).

JulietBravoFox Media features the editorial and creative skill of its founder, Julie Boatman, and delivers the photographic vision and aviation consulting expertise of Stephen Yeates.

Broken Azulejos: Join us as we explore Portugal, and savor its food, wine, and countryside, and get to know the people who form its soul. Our love started with the tiles: the broken bits of azulejos adorning buildings and hiding in the dirt. Follow our 366 Vinhos adventures, and find new spots to try through Savoring Portugal. Every other week, we post a new story in Follow the Tiles. Also find us on Instagram (@brokenazulejos), Twitter (@julietbravofox), Facebook (@brokenazulejos), and Pinterest (Broken Azulejos).

Beer For Strange Climates: Every place on the map gives us a new opportunity to connect, and through Julie’s journeys as a drinks enthusiast, she has gathered stories here that serve as a touchstone for these places. For January 2018 and 2019, she embarked upon Tryanuary Portugal, when she reported on a new Portuguese craft beer for each day of the month. She’s added several more beer tours, including her latest in Lisbon, the Midwest, and northern California. Also find BFSC on Instagram (@beerforstrangeclimates), Twitter (@beer4strgclimat), and Facebook (Beer For Strange Climates).

Our collaboration under the International Higher Education Group (IHED) gave us the opportunity to work with Halldale Media, in particular in promoting their World Aviation Training Summit (WATS) in Orlando, Florida, and its Student Education and Careers in Aviation (SECA) conference stream. For more information, check out CAT’s latest e-news. Other recent articles for CAT include:
Glass From The Beginning, issue 2/2018