“Honest Vision: The Donald Douglas Story” is now shipping! Order your copy!
Inspiration takes a twisting path, and ours has been fed over the years by serendipity, circumstance, kind people, and a lot of research! When Julie completed “Together We Fly: Voices From The DC-3,” she had a problem. She’d come to know James Douglas, son of Donald Douglas–the founder of Douglas Aircraft Company. He graciously shared with her many stories that just didn’t fit into that book.
So, in her mind and heart these stories rested, until she was ready to embark on the journey of writing “Honest Vision, The Donald Douglas Story.” On our Instagram and Facebook channels we’ll share with you snippets from the research as we celebrate the book since its release in summer 2018 by ASA. You can order the book on Amazon as well.
You can also check out more stories about Douglas and the DC-3/C-47 on Julie’s blog, including “Where Honest Vision Was Born.” In 2019, Honest Vision was added to the library at the Royal Aeronautical Society in Farnborough, U.K.
We’re celebrating 100 years of the Douglas World Cruiser in 2024. Read more about the origin of the DAC motto “First Around the World” on our dedicated page.
Jim passed away several years ago, but the story of his father lives on, and deserves to be shared.

“Honest Vision” has been added to the library of the Royal Aeronautical Society in England as of May 2019.